What is the LAMDA Exam?

LAMDA Exams are essentially about achievement and empowerment.

There are a wide range of exams, and whether you are going solo or wanting to take your exams with friends, just getting started, or are ready to build on your skills, we have something that will fit you perfectly.

– Introductory (Solo or Group)
– Performance Exams in either ‘Acting’, ‘Devising Drama’ or ‘Miming’
– Communication Exams in ‘Speaking Verse and Prose’
– Communication Exams in ‘Reading for Performance’
– Communication Exams in ‘Speaking in Public’
– Musical Theatre Exams (Solo, Duo or Group)
– Shakespeare Exams
– PCertLAM for those who want to take their acting further

Why take the LAMDA Exam?

The exams have been helping learners all over the world develop into confident speakers since the 1880s. As qualifications have moved on over the years, LAMDA’s principal aims remain the same: to provide all people with the chance to develop self-expression, self-assurance and have fun.

We know that speech, drama, and communication can help to develop key skills in learners and that each student should have the chance to access these subjects to enhance what they learn through the school curriculum. Taking lessons in LAMDA subjects is not just enjoyable but provides students the opportunity to develop lifelong and transferable skills to enhance their learning and future in a competitive world.

LAMDA exams offer the learner UCAS points at Grade 6 to 8 which can help the learner gain a place at university. For more information on how UCAS points work CLICK HERE (a new tab will open).

Who is it for?

Over a hundred thousand people take LAMDA Exams every year. Lighthouse teaches learners both nationally and internationally, and are from all cultures, backgrounds, and abilities.

How is the exam graded?

The LAMDA grading system works much like music exams, with grades 1 to 8 and introductory and Entry exams for little ones. For more information on the LAMDA exams click HERE for the LAMDA website.

Lighthouse School of Speech, Drama and Communication aim to provide high quality and supportive teaching that enables each learner to achieve excellent results in their LAMDA grades.

What we offer

We offer lessons in:
• Acting
• Devising
• Mime
• Musical Theatre
• Shakespeare
• Public Speaking
• Speaking Verse and Prose
• Reading for performance
• Introductory Exams
• Group exams can be taken in acting, choral speaking, musical theatre, devising and group recital
• Duologue or combined exams can be taken in acting, musical theatre or Shakespeare